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Branch makes it easy for people in Kenya to access a loan, anytime, anywhere. Complete our application in seconds and receive your loan straight into your mobile money account. Branch is like a bank in your pocket, there for you at all times. Visit our website to learn more.
Branch has offices in Nairobi, Kenya; Lagos, Nigeria; Mumbai, India; and San Francisco, United States.
At the moment, Branch operates in India, Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria.
Yes! Kindly ensure you are using the latest version of the app. Then from your app, go to “My Account”, tap “Edit” next to “Language”, choose “Kiswahili” and tap “Submit” to save.
You can follow this link and click Update. Or you can go to Google Play, search for “Branch International” then click “Update”.
At the moment, we do not provide customer support by phone number or in person. Please send us a message via the app any time, and we will help you resolve whatever issue you may have.
You may see this error message if Branch is unable to detect the required SIM in your phone. Kindly remove all other SIMs from your phone and leave only the Safaricom SIM you want to use and then log back into Branch. You should be in a position to add your number and proceed to validate it.
At Branch, we conform to the highest standards of data integrity. This means that you cannot change information that was previously used to process a successful loan application. We apologize for any inconveniences caused.
If you would like to delete your account, please make sure that you have repaid all of your loans and then write to us on the in-app chat or email us at with your request.
Requirements are simple - all you need to apply is a phone number or Facebook account, an ID number, and a mobile money or bank account. We will also request access to the data on your phone in order to build your credit score.
Branch uses data from your phone, including your handset details and financial transaction messages to make lending decisions. We combine this with your Branch repayment history to build an individualised credit score, which determines the loan offers you receive.
We aim to process all loans within 24 hours. On average we process loans in less than 3 hours and hope to reduce that to a few minutes.
We use world-class data security and encryption techniques to protect the data you share with us. Branch never shares your information with third parties unless it is for dedicated business purposes, such as reporting defaulted loans to authorized credit bureaus. We do not sell your data or credit profile.
Branch uses your ID to ensure your account belongs to you, and so that no one else can apply for a loan using your account. We understand that this is very sensitive information and take our customer privacy very seriously. If you have additional concerns, please contact the Branch customer service team.
Branch uses data from your phone, including your handset details and financial transaction messages to make lending decisions. These data are a crucial part of our decision making process, and allow us to provide seamless and efficient financial services.
In your Android Phone, kindly go to Settings > Apps > Branch > Permissions and make sure that you have enabled Branch to access everything requested.